Retrieve asset IDs from a project.


  • asset_ids (List[str], optional): The list of asset IDs to retrieve. This is optional, but will override the proj_name if provided.
  • proj_name (str, optional): The name of the project. This is optional, but will be used if asset_ids is not provided.
  • status (AssetStatus, optional): Filters the results based on the status of the assets.
  • limit (int, optional): The number of transformations to retrieve.
  • offset (int, optional): The offset to start retrieving transformations from.
  • order_by (str, optional): The column to order the transformations by.
  • order (str, optional): The order to sort the transformations by.

If neither asset_ids or proj_name is provided, all assets will be retrieved.


  • dict: A dict containing the all the asset data.
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